M7SMU/M Checklist


My current checklist for going HF mobile. This page was last modified on Sunday, Jun 6, 2021.

Current HF setup

My current (Apr 2021) HF rig is the Xiegu G90. This is a 20W all-mode HF transceiver. Of course, as an M7 I can only use 10W but the power can be controlled from 1W - 20W in 1W increments. I can power this from a battery or a power supply, so its ideal as a mobile rig.

Mobile kit checklist (Car)

Serial Category Item Current Status
001 Radio Xiegu G90 Tested
002 Radio Hand Mic Tested at home
003 Radio Digital mode stand and fan Tested
004 Power LiFePo4 6Ah battery Tested
005 Power Battery to Anderson PowerPole lead Tested
006 Power PowerPole Distribution Box Tested
007 Power PowerPole to G90 lead Tested
008 Antenna AMPRO-20 HF antenna Tested
009 Antenna Mag mount Tested
010 Tools Nano VNA and leads Tested at home
011 Digital Modes CE-19 Digital Interface Tested, replaced by 018
012 Digital Modes G90 CAT cable Tested
013 Digital Modes USB Soundcard Tested, replaced by 018
014 Digital Modes 2 x 3.5mm jack plug leads Tested replaced by 018
015 Digital Modes MacBookPro with s/w for digital modes Tested
016 Power Zippy LiFePo4 4.2Ah battery 2 hours of FT8 and was still showing 12.4V under load
017 Power 5.5mm bullet to Anderson PowerPole lead Worked well but came loose on unplugging
018 Digital Modes MinProSC Flawless
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