Building an HF Antenna in my garden


Can I get decent HF in my small garden in a city?

Available space

My back garden is probably about 5m by 15m, with a small shed in one corner and some decking another. As I'm in very close proximity to my neighbours and its a rented property, I can't really put up any masts or use the roof of the property for an antenna.

HF Antenna Options

However I can run a wire at fence height and probably stick up a vertical in the garden as long as it isn't permanently installed and can be easily removed. There are trees at the back of the garden, so I could put up a wire into the trees, and I already have a dual band, 2m & 70cm antenna in one of the trees.


In the end, I settled for stringing out 20m of wire at fence height around the perimeter of my garden and using a 49:1 unun to allow it to act as an end fed half wave on 40m.


Not great, but it does work. I've managed a few FT8 contacts on 40m and 20m out to Cyprus, Romania and Hungary. PSK Reporter reports its getting out into an arc across Europe but nothing local. More work needed!

Of course, only using 10W isn't helping, but I'm sure I can get better performance out of that antenna. SWR with the tuner in the G90 isn't an issue but I might try and tune the length a little and improve that.

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